Judges 16 - Deception leading to demise-

Setting – Delilah convinces Samson to reveal where his strength lied.

Content – Samson fell in love with Delilah. The Philistine men bribed Delilah to find out about Samson’s strength. Samson deceived Delilah about where his strength lied; seven new bowstrings, ropes that have never been used and weave seven brands of his hair. Delilah’s response to this deception (v. 16 NLT), “Then Delilah pouted, "How can you say you love me when you don't confide in me? You've made fun of me three times now, and you still haven't told me what makes you so strong!””
Samson reveals the secret of his hair never being cut. The Philistines captured him. During a festival the half-drunk party guests asked for Samson to be brought to entertain them. His hair grew back during his captivity and he asked the Lord to return his strength back to him that he might kill the attendees along with himself. The Lord granted this and (v. 30), “…And the temple crashed down on the Philistine leaders and all the people. So he killed more people when he died than he had during his entire lifetime.”

Application – I’m not sure why Samson didn’t see Delilah’s intent. After three attempts to find out his strength Samson finally revealed it. I’m not sure if because of his love for her or his trust in her or that he thought he had nothing to worry about. But in any case, we see Samson’s demise.
We are very much like Samson. We see how sin tries to lure us into its demise. After many obvious attempts, we should be wise to its scheme’s but we seem to be ignorant, rather, we seem to enjoy the enticement.
The bible is filled with page and page of how sin destroys, but we don’t seem to be convinced until it happens directly to us.
I hope that I can be wise enough, if not just alert enough, to avoid sins pitfall.
