Joshua 5 - God’s pain has a purpose

Setting – Joshua circumcised Israel. Manna ceased to come to Israel once they ate of the produce from the land. Joshua is then visited by (v. 14) “captain of the host of the Lord”.

Content – While in the wilderness the new children that were born there were not circumcised. This was done at Gilgal, which means ‘rolled away’. God said that He rolled away the reproach of Egypt from Israel, once this was completed. While they were at Gilgal Israel celebrated the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month. This is when they ate unleavened cakes and parched grain from Jericho. This is when manna ceased to be provided to them.
The captain of the Lord visited Joshua. When he did, he commanded Joshua to remove his sandals because where he was standing was holy.

Application – Even though the pain of circumcision would be experience due to the majority of them being men now, God still wanted this to be done. God still wanted Israel to be separated from the other nations. Following God isn’t always without pain, but the pain has purpose.
