Setting – Israel is preparing and crosses the Jordan.
Content – God exults Joshua in the sight of Israel showing how He is with Joshua just as He was with Moses. Joshua outlines how the people where to cross. They were to stand back from the Ark of the Covenant and when the Levites step into the Jordan they were to wait for the waters to be drawn back. The priest stood on dry land in the middle of the Jordan, while all of Israel crossed.
Application – Israel once again crosses on dry land through a river. This time the priests were to step into the water first. The Lord saved Israel from slavery in Egypt by crossing the Red Sea entering their journey. The Lord brought Israel into the Promise Land, ending their journey by crossing a river again.
This is analogous to a Christian’s life. God saves us from the slavery of sin (we are born again - crossing the river) and sets us on a journey through the wilderness of life. We exit our journey into eternal life (Promise Land) by crossing over the river of death leaving our earthly journey.
Through the wilderness, God was leading them the whole way. He was leading them through this journey to the Promise Land. God leads us the same way. Through this wilderness of life, we can experience His discipline or blessing by either complaining or sinner, or not.
God still upheld His promise to Israel, despite their rebellious heart. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, God remains faithful to us despite our sin. And He has promised eternal life at the end of our journey.
Content – God exults Joshua in the sight of Israel showing how He is with Joshua just as He was with Moses. Joshua outlines how the people where to cross. They were to stand back from the Ark of the Covenant and when the Levites step into the Jordan they were to wait for the waters to be drawn back. The priest stood on dry land in the middle of the Jordan, while all of Israel crossed.
Application – Israel once again crosses on dry land through a river. This time the priests were to step into the water first. The Lord saved Israel from slavery in Egypt by crossing the Red Sea entering their journey. The Lord brought Israel into the Promise Land, ending their journey by crossing a river again.
This is analogous to a Christian’s life. God saves us from the slavery of sin (we are born again - crossing the river) and sets us on a journey through the wilderness of life. We exit our journey into eternal life (Promise Land) by crossing over the river of death leaving our earthly journey.
Through the wilderness, God was leading them the whole way. He was leading them through this journey to the Promise Land. God leads us the same way. Through this wilderness of life, we can experience His discipline or blessing by either complaining or sinner, or not.
God still upheld His promise to Israel, despite their rebellious heart. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, God remains faithful to us despite our sin. And He has promised eternal life at the end of our journey.