Setting – God gives more vision to the end times of judgment and celebration of the redeemed
Content – God plainly states that judgment will come (v. 1a NLT) “The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace.” Those not saved will be consumed by fire (v. 1b, c NLT) “The arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw on that day. They will be consumed like a tree--roots and all.” The redeemed (v. 2 NLT) “But for you who fear my name”, in contrast, will experience joy and live under the Sun of righteousness (v. 2 NLT) “the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” Instead of the wicked overbearing the righteous, just the opposite will be true, (v. 3 NLT) “On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet," says the LORD Almighty.” [During that time, dust was spread out to provide a better foundation to walk on] So knowing of the future Israel was to (v. 4 NLT) “’Remember to obey the instructions of my servant Moses, all the laws and regulations that I gave him on Mount Sinai for all Israel.’”
God will send Elijah (or Elijah like person, just as with John the Baptist) proceeding this great and terrible day of the Lord (v. 5 NLT) “’Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD arrives.’” Elijah will restore the relationships of the believers (v. 6 NLT) “His preaching will turn the hearts of parents to their children, and the hearts of children to their parents. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
Application – God communicates judgment to the wicked and sinners continually throughout the bible. And He also states the rest or rewards for the believer. As Israel waited for their messiah, we now wait for the culmination of this life as we know it to end.
For the believer, heaven will be the antithesis of what is experienced on earth; the righteous will reign instead of the wicked, joy instead of suffering, reward instead of punishment, healing rather than destruction, peace instead of fear, etc. So we patiently wait. While waiting, we reflect Christ love for the lost and offer encouragement fellow believers, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NASB) “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.”
Content – God plainly states that judgment will come (v. 1a NLT) “The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace.” Those not saved will be consumed by fire (v. 1b, c NLT) “The arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw on that day. They will be consumed like a tree--roots and all.” The redeemed (v. 2 NLT) “But for you who fear my name”, in contrast, will experience joy and live under the Sun of righteousness (v. 2 NLT) “the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” Instead of the wicked overbearing the righteous, just the opposite will be true, (v. 3 NLT) “On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet," says the LORD Almighty.” [During that time, dust was spread out to provide a better foundation to walk on] So knowing of the future Israel was to (v. 4 NLT) “’Remember to obey the instructions of my servant Moses, all the laws and regulations that I gave him on Mount Sinai for all Israel.’”
God will send Elijah (or Elijah like person, just as with John the Baptist) proceeding this great and terrible day of the Lord (v. 5 NLT) “’Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD arrives.’” Elijah will restore the relationships of the believers (v. 6 NLT) “His preaching will turn the hearts of parents to their children, and the hearts of children to their parents. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
Application – God communicates judgment to the wicked and sinners continually throughout the bible. And He also states the rest or rewards for the believer. As Israel waited for their messiah, we now wait for the culmination of this life as we know it to end.
For the believer, heaven will be the antithesis of what is experienced on earth; the righteous will reign instead of the wicked, joy instead of suffering, reward instead of punishment, healing rather than destruction, peace instead of fear, etc. So we patiently wait. While waiting, we reflect Christ love for the lost and offer encouragement fellow believers, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NASB) “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.”