Setting – Jesus talks about seeds (word from God’s kingdom), why he speaks in parables, tares, judgment day and the treasure in the field and pearl of great price.
I’ve been struck lately about believers who aren’t fully committed to following Christ. They seem to want to be a Christian, but find convenient ways to compromise. Some are walking away from the faith after years of attending church. I was instantly reminded of the parable of the four seeds. Only ¼ of those that hear God’s word become firmly planted, another way to stated it, only 1 out of 4 that hear the word become fully committed and produce fruit. I’ve always thought of the seeds that fall in the rocks or weeds as dying out quickly, but this isn’t always the case. The truth is that at some point a Christian will produce fruit after awhile. We know that a fruit tree takes a while to actually produce fruit, but if no fruit is ever produce you must wonder if it’s actually a fruit tree. The same is with Christians. It’s not for me to judge whether some is a Christian or not, but to be a fellow believer to the family of God, which means to comfort, encourage and rebuke.
After reading all of Matthew 13, Jesus not only talks about seeds, but the tares that are mixed in with the true wheat. Tares look like wheat, but have no substance. Jesus is saying that there are those that look the part but aren’t Christians. For those that are tares (v. 40), “…So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.”
So my rant here is to those that are calling themselves Christians, are you? This isn’t a life or death question, it’s a heaven or hell question, which is much worse. My frustration is that maybe I should be much more confrontational about those that have a boatload of excuses about them not being committed to Christ. Why play Churchianty, going to church and going through the motions of a Christian, isn’t it a waste of ones time if it’s really not want you want to commit to?
There can be times of struggling with ones commitment, we all do, but the commitment is still there. For example, if someone wants to stay in house then one pays the rent. Once you decide that you no longer want to live under that roof, you decide to back out of paying the rent, you no longer remain committed. It’s really that simple.
The challenge to everyone, including myself, am I doing what Christ wants me to do? Does Christ want to not read His word or pray? Does Christ want me to not go to Church? If you have half a brain, the obvious answer is no. God wants you to read His word, to pray and attend Church, and turn from sin, this is a universal truth; it’s axiomatic.
So my rebuke is, knock it off and commit to Christ, stop playing the game. If you feel like its kind of a game, then I ask again, those that call yourselves Christians, are you?
I’ve been struck lately about believers who aren’t fully committed to following Christ. They seem to want to be a Christian, but find convenient ways to compromise. Some are walking away from the faith after years of attending church. I was instantly reminded of the parable of the four seeds. Only ¼ of those that hear God’s word become firmly planted, another way to stated it, only 1 out of 4 that hear the word become fully committed and produce fruit. I’ve always thought of the seeds that fall in the rocks or weeds as dying out quickly, but this isn’t always the case. The truth is that at some point a Christian will produce fruit after awhile. We know that a fruit tree takes a while to actually produce fruit, but if no fruit is ever produce you must wonder if it’s actually a fruit tree. The same is with Christians. It’s not for me to judge whether some is a Christian or not, but to be a fellow believer to the family of God, which means to comfort, encourage and rebuke.
After reading all of Matthew 13, Jesus not only talks about seeds, but the tares that are mixed in with the true wheat. Tares look like wheat, but have no substance. Jesus is saying that there are those that look the part but aren’t Christians. For those that are tares (v. 40), “…So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.”
So my rant here is to those that are calling themselves Christians, are you? This isn’t a life or death question, it’s a heaven or hell question, which is much worse. My frustration is that maybe I should be much more confrontational about those that have a boatload of excuses about them not being committed to Christ. Why play Churchianty, going to church and going through the motions of a Christian, isn’t it a waste of ones time if it’s really not want you want to commit to?
There can be times of struggling with ones commitment, we all do, but the commitment is still there. For example, if someone wants to stay in house then one pays the rent. Once you decide that you no longer want to live under that roof, you decide to back out of paying the rent, you no longer remain committed. It’s really that simple.
The challenge to everyone, including myself, am I doing what Christ wants me to do? Does Christ want to not read His word or pray? Does Christ want me to not go to Church? If you have half a brain, the obvious answer is no. God wants you to read His word, to pray and attend Church, and turn from sin, this is a universal truth; it’s axiomatic.
So my rebuke is, knock it off and commit to Christ, stop playing the game. If you feel like its kind of a game, then I ask again, those that call yourselves Christians, are you?