Joshua 9 - Consult the Lord on agreements or important matters

Setting – The Gibeonites tricked Israel into a treaty.

Content – Gibeonites came wearing worn-out clothing and sandals, moldy bread and old looking wine skins. They said that (v. 6), “"We have come from a distant land to ask you to make a peace treaty with us." Israel signed the treaty without inquiring of the Lord. Joshua signed the treaty with them, and then three days later they found out that they were neighbors.
They knew that they couldn’t attack (v. 20, 21), “‘We must let them live, for God would be angry with us if we broke our oath. Let them live. But we will make them chop the wood and carry the water for the entire community.’ So the Israelites kept their promise to the Gibeonites.”
Joshua found out the reason for their deception, (v. 24), “We did it because we were told that the Lord your God instructed his servant Moses to conquer this entire land and destroy all the people living in it. So we feared for our lives because of you. That is why we have done it.”

Application – Consult the Lord for matters. In this case, the Gibeon’s tricked Israel. Many people will try to trick us in our lives so we must check with the Lord first before we undertake agreements.
