Deuteronomy 33 - God’s representatives

Setting – Moses gives out blessing to each tribe of Israel.

Content – Moses gives the following information about the Levites (v. 9 – NLT), “The Levites obeyed your word and guarded your covenant. They were more loyal to you than to their parents, relatives, and children”.
Each tribe received a blessing from Moses. Verse 29 is a summary of the blessing, “How blessed you are, O Israel! Who else is like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is your protecting shield and your triumphant sword! Your enemies will bow low before you, and you will trample on their backs!”

Application – Each child we have is a blessing and should be blessed by their parents. It is important for the parent to know children in order to be able to offer the appropriate blessing upon them. God assigned Moses to govern/parent Israel. God has assigned us, as parent’s, to raise our children in the fear and love of the Lord, just as Moses instructed Israel. Moses explained the blessing of following the law and the curses of not. He was God’s communicator of God’s will to Israel.
We, as parents or leaders, are Gods representative for Him. Due to his responsibility, it is our responsibility to be a holy representative. We can not impart what we do not possess.
