Deuteronomy 14 (God’s commands; beneficial not burdensome)

Setting – Moses gives instructions about which animals are clean to eat and which are unclean.

Content – Specific instructions were given regarding which animals they were allowed to eat, such as ox, sheep, goat, etc, which chewed their cud and had split hooves. Animals with hooves that were not allowed, pigs (didn’t chew its cud) other unclean were the rabbit and rock-badger. Everything that had scales and fins from the water was clean, but everything else was not. Birds that were not allowed, eagle, vulture, buzzard, kites, falcon, hawks, sea gull, owls, bats, pelican, stork, etc., but clean birds were allowed. If any animal dies of itself, they weren’t allowed to eat.
Moses also instructs regarding tithing. They are to tithe from all their produce from the ground every year. They are to eat this title in the presence of the Lord, at a place where He chooses. In addition, they are to not neglect the Levite, since they possess no land. Every third year, they are to bring a tithe into town for Levite, the alien, window or orphan to eat.

Application – God commandment about unclean animals was to separate themselves from other nations as well as way to avoid possibly disease from the unclean animals. All of God’s commands had purpose and the purpose was to benefit Israel and to help them remain faithful to God.
God’s commands are not ‘half-baked’ rules. Each and every one of them has a purpose. God wants to protect us from wrong, just like a parent. He wants continue communion with us. He’s commands provide a sure way to accomplish both. Matthew 11:30, “For My yoke is easy, and My load is light”. We need to see God’s commands as beneficial rather than burdensome.
