Numbers 33:1-49 (Reviewing our past)

Setting - Moses records Israel’s journey through the wilderness
Contents - Moses lists all of the places they journeyed from and settled in.
Application - We should actually sit down and journal our past at times to see where we have been. It’s not good to focus on the past, but it is good to review what has occurred. The same is true when we survey our current situation. Often times if we don’t take a step back and review our lives. Another way to state it is, we need to get outside our fishbowl in order to get an accurate view.
I like the one email I got that showed what my age group has been through and how we survived, examples are, the cold war, seatbelts not required, etc., we’ve come along way.
This is true with our Christian walk. Upon review I’ve seen ups and downs within my walk, but the faithfulness of God has remained consistent. In spite of my sin, He still rains down blessings upon me.
Additionally, when I review the last year, I see areas that I need to bucket down on. I don’t take action like I should, but if I didn’t review; I wouldn’t see the areas that need work. In our speedy American life, we get too busy to mediate on God and his word and prayer. It takes a concerted effort to sit down and review. This is why retreats are so good. We all come back refreshed and with a new focus – too bad we can’t do these once quarter.
